March 29, 2019: Stature

I am now in month 17 of my fitness journey. Over that time, I have managed to workout a minimum of three times per week and a max of seven every week but two, which were planned recovery weeks. It is absolutely horrifying to me to think of how many years I taught and practiced as an athletic trainer and strength coach without finding a way to make my health a priority. It should have been…and frankly I am ashamed that I lacked the discipline to make it so.

However, the future is ahead. There’s a reason the windshield is larger than the rearview mirror, and I don’t mind a quick glance back to see where I have been as long as my eyes are fixed on the path ahead most of the time.

The future holds promise due to a change in habits.

Og Mandino once wrote, “In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.”

Unlocked doors don’t require any effort to walk through. But all the best stuff in life is locked away. It is up to us to put in the work it takes to unlock them, level up, and keep getting better.



  • Heavy bag interval workout (15′ total)
    • 30″ max effort/30″ rest x 15 rounds
  • 10k prep (started deload week; 25 mins total)
    • 5′ walk
    • 10′ steady job
    • 1′ sprint/1′ jog x 5
    • 5′ walk
  • Logged nutrition using Lose-It app

Favor with God

Favor with Man

  • Assisted good friend with 7 hour seminar and got to meet countless impressive second-year DPT students

And a happiest of birthdays to my beautiful wife!